Friday, November 06, 2015

scenes : in blue

/ oh this baby. He really is so very happy. Sweet tee sent across the seas from the bee and the fox.

/ the prettiest of blues in the Montessori community garden

/ that is not the shoe basket...

/ this giant book has prompted many discussions of late; mammals, evolution, biggest creatures, smallest creatures

/ unpacking summer clothes and subsequently wearing this dress + necklace + basket today

and also...

ballet for parkinsons 
dispensing short stories
navajo birth
ladybirds - the good and the bad in your vegie patch
41 seconds - how to save a choking baby
I'm delighted to be writing for this new parenting website
have you signed up?
if you're pregnant or know someone who is

Have a lovely weekend!


  1. My third baby was the happiest and easiest of the lot. I wonder how much of it was me being infinitely more relaxed and confident. Whatever the reasons, it was such a treat.

  2. What a coincidence - just looked at Mumtastic randomly from somewhere else. Will keep an eye out for you :)

    1. My first story is in conjunction with lego. Che is over the moon! x


© 2014 Jodi Wilson. You may not take images or content from this site without written permission.