Sunday, August 18, 2013


"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Che: early morning lego session...the eyes say it all; joy!
Poet: holding onto her hat (and her apple). The August winds are in full force.

This week the wind carried the scent of freesias and we wore cotton instead of wool. When I looked through the lens I noticed...the kids have grown! Warm, spring sun will do that, I suppose.


Katherine takes a photo a day of her children and this one of Lamb is, I believe, her best yet / Ronnie's four boys are beautiful; I love how she photographs them together / Wild thing! - Casper lost in a book / dancing with a tambourine and bathed in warm, yellow light / and a young beauty in Newfoundland...utter perfection. 


  1. living in a Lego house built by boys, Che's portrait this week makes me smile. xo

  2. Gorgeous light in both of these... look at the smiles on both of them! Just perfect.

  3. Early morning Lego sessions are a massive hit here too. I can just imagine the squeal from Poet!

  4. Boys + Lego = Total happiness! Yes, it's windy here at Port Fairy too! Have a great week Jodi. x

  5. the eyes do indeed say it all! wonderful! so fabulous to be back after nearly a month with no computer or any way of getting on line! I have missed everybody. now have a brand new shiny laptop and am catching up (4 posts above...hope you don't mind!). now off to catch up on everybody else xxxx

  6. Love the expression on Che's face, priceless!

  7. Oh, his eyes say everything. So well captured!!

  8. Lego and duplo would have to be some of the best toys ever made! His creations are wonderful. And windy Poet is lovely. Hope your week is beautiful :) xx

  9. Thanks for the love! I think that one of Lamb is my favourite so far too.

  10. As long as the wind is warm, then all will be well. I love that Che's eyes tell us exactly how he is feeling. x

  11. I love the caught in the moment shot of poet and her wrinkled nose. thinking of introducing lego to the eldest but a little worried about the baby swallowing potential of it re the youngest. haven't met a kid yet who doesn't get that look in their eye when faced with a bucket of lego, nor many adults!

  12. What a great portraits this week Jodi. Full of joy indeed! I really love the one of Che, with the light hitting just one eye. And Poet's made me smile :)

  13. Fantastic photos as usual ... I just love how often Poet has an apple in hand :0)

    1. She usually wants to eat an apple when we go for a walk...which is when I take photos. I could do an entire "Poet + Apple" post. Maybe I will ;) x

  14. Jodi, these are beautiful. BEAUTIFUL! I think they're my new faves xx

  15. Poet has the prettiest necklaces. I"m impressed that she wears them. My daughter takes them off immediately.

  16. Her little windy face is just adorbs, Jodi. She's a good girl to be tackling the full apple too. I have to peel and core for Lottie, cut into 'moon chips' for Max and, luckily, just hand one over for Arabella. Kids, sheesh! x

  17. Lovely photos, as always. I have been very sporadical with my participation but have finally joined in again the last two weeks!

  18. Thank you for this project Jodi. 2013 has been a bit of a challenging year, and taking part in this project has ensured I stop to appreciate the beauty in the everyday, those moments that might otherwise pass unnoticed. It's good for the soul. Jen x

  19. Oh, what a perfect capture of Che's Lego joy!!!
    Ronnie xo

  20. Sorry I am late again!! Gosh I seem so naughty... anyway! 2 more festival images - we are having the most amazing summer xx

  21. Hi Jodi! Thank you for the link to our little vacation pics from Newfoundland. We were away from home for three weeks, and the only online activity I participated in was to follow your 52 project notes and those of our fellow participants - incredibly inspiring as usual, and, I love it when the winds are in full force, great captures! xx

  22. Wow thank you Jodi! I have been so far behind this week that I only just put last sunday's pictures up and visited this space now! I'm glad you like the portrait, it is one of my favourites too. I love the out of focus motorbike in front of Che's face, it's a perfectly coupled image of sharp and soft.

  23. Wonderful, such splendid moments to capture!

  24. I so much happy to be back into linking up. great shots.


© 2014 Jodi Wilson. You may not take images or content from this site without written permission.