Sunday, June 19, 2016

simply practical : apple corer

When Che first started Montessori in 2010, we were introduced to the magic that is an apple corer. Who knew that a rather medieval looking kitchen appliance could spark such interest!

Years later we still use this contraption at least once a week. Much to the kids' delight it turns a whole apple into three different parts; the skin becomes spaghetti, the apple becomes a slinky and the core becomes a cylinder. The kids are usually happy to do the hard work of turning the corer and then eating the remains but last week I decided to turn the spirals into apple crumble. It took all of ten minutes and with a dollop of cream it was the very best of desserts.

What to do?

Excuse this rather unprofessional recipe but it goes a little something like this:

  • place apple slinky/slices into a saucepan with a little brown/raw sugar and water - simmer for a while
  • combine rolled oats (a little more than a cup), 50g flour, 50g butter and a tablespoon raw sugar in a bowl with your fingers (the butter will soften as you knead)
  • place apples in a pie/quiche dish and put oat mixture on top
  • cook till oats are golden brown

And where can you find an apple corer just like this one? Here (and it's on sale, too!).

More simply practical hints and tips, here


  1. We love our "apple slinky machine". I slinky a big apple in the morning, and then divide it between the two lunch boxes. I stuff the middle with cut up orange (delicious and it stops it from browning). Kids love it. :)

    Our Kindy classroom has one - but it has had to be put away for a little bit, as every kid in Kindy was bringing an apple for crunch 'n sip, just so it could be slinkied :) Cute - but it was taking the entire time to get through them all. :)

  2. We love our slinky apple device....first saw them when my kids were at kindy...makes eating fruit fun and they are 12 and 10 and they still eat slinky apples...

  3. We were just using one of these at our Community Kindy and the kids love it!


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